By Iride Aparicio


Silicon Valley,CA - Wild spaces, are becoming increasingly scarcer around the world. Poaching, logging, mining, land cleaning, human encroachment and fires are, acceleratingly,  destroying the last intact wild acres of land. If the destruction continues at the same rate over the next decade, human activity will consume 50% of the earth intact wild life and destroy the habitat for endangered mega fauna and mammals animals, such as tigers, bears, lions, elephants rhinos and many others.

GLOBAL CONSERVATION, is a group whose sole mission is the park protection systems and saving of world's national parks and UNESCO National Sites. Among other activities, it works with their conservation partners and supporters to bring a program by the name of GLOBAL PARK DEFENSE which sole purpose is to protect 25 parks worldwide by the year 2025 and enable not only their conservation but enable the "No CUT No KILL" protection for the world's most critical national parks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. But with more than 100 rangers killed worldwide every year trying to protect the wildlife, and 80% rangers facing life-threatening situations,they need help for all of us.

At this time of giving, as we share GLOBAL CONSERVATION's mission with our readership, we also would like to invite those interested in helping GLOBAL CONSERVATION to continue protecting and saving our world, to send them a donation at this time, so that they can accomplish their following projects:


1. Set up crucial radio networks and satellite communications systems, to ensure that the rangers can always be able to call for backup in case of an emergency or needed medical assistance.

2. Install surveillance equipment like cellular trail cameras, which provide rangers with real-time information about illegal activities so that they do not have to face poachers unprepared.

3. Equip rangers with up-to-date technology and gear  so that they can always defend themselves, find their way through dense jungle, and even keep their feet dry on long, hard patrols.

A $50.00 donation will buy a waterproof case for a ranger's cell phone. A $100.00 donation will supply a uniform for a ranger and a pair of high quality boots. A $200.00 donation will support a Trauma Kit to save lives. A $500.00 donation will play for a ranger's patrol kit including a backpack, tent, headland, rain gear and more or a GPS unit with satellite communicator. A $1,000, will provide two cellular trail cameras that broadcast photos of illegal activity back to the command center in real time.


GLOBAL CONSERVATION thanks those who would like to help with their support and offers the first ten $100.00 donors a hardcover copy of their table book, "Saving the New Wild" (U.S. Residents only). Information and how you can support their efforts can be found online at