Submission Exhibition to Showcase Bay Area Artists October 10,2020 -January 3, 2021 |
SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- In celebration of the deYoung Museum's 125th Anniversary, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco are hosting "The de Young Open," a juried community art exhibition welcoming the submissions by artists from the nine Bay Area counties together (expressing in their paintings) a picture of an extraordinary time in recent human history, and representing both resistance and resilience. " The de Young Open" exhibition is unique as a painting exhibition, because what it will show its audience will be the diverse and inspiring artworks of local painters, a visual testament of the creativity of these artists whose visions and voices enrich the San Francisco Bay Area's cultural landscape. Installed in all nine of the deYOUNG's Herbst Exhibion Galleries, The" The de YOUNG OPEN" is an exhibition where 6,188 local artists applied for it submitting more than 11,514individual artworks for jury review. In total, at the end, only 762 artists were selected to exhibit, and only 877 artworks to be on view. The works, in multiple media, represent a wide range of artistic styles: animation, documentary, computer-generated imagery, montage and narration to name a few. The themes range from identity, community, homelessness, hardship and shelter in place, climate change, and medical science and art it. In the exhibition, the public will be able to appreciate all the styles's representations becaurse the different styles are grouped together in one place, according to their theme: Black Lives Matter and other political and social movements, COVID 19, the city of San Francisco, abstraction, nature and the human figure, to name a few. All displayed salon style'
The exhibition will open on OCTOBER 10, 2020, and will close on January 3, 2021. at the deYOUNG museum, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr. San Francisco, CA 94118. Visitors can reserve their tickets at |