SILICON VALLEY, CA-- The "Son Jarocho's music" is a Hybrid from the music of three different cultures. The Hispanic music that was brought to America by the Spanish conquerors during the years 1520-25. The music created by the Mexican natives who lived in the State of Veracruz, a Mexican state in the Coast region of the Gulf of Mexico, at that time, and the African natives' music, also brought to Veracruz by the African slaves and soldiers who came to America with the Spaniards. So, in its rhythm, instrumentation, and melodies, "The Son Jarocho" is the product of the music of three different cultures. But, what it is "The Son Jarocho? And, aside from its "unique' rhythm, "The Son Jarocho" is also unique in it sound, because it is played in a series of very different instruments: The instruments needed to determine the Sound of the Son Jarocho are: the Arpa Jarocha (a small harp) a requinto (A slim guitar which is played with an special pick) a Jarana (an eight-string guitar also called "The Mosquito" for its small size and noticeably high pitch) , the Leona, (Lioness) which is a guitar-shaped fretted stringed instrument with four low sounding strings, and in some groups The león (male lion) and instrument called by many vozarrona, (deep voice) which is the lowest pitched instrument in the son Jarocho. Other instruments which may be used by the different groups, are el Pandero, (A tambourine, in octagonal shape. la quijada, also called charrasca, or jawbone (in English) an idiophone percussion instrument made from the jawbone of a donkey, horse, mule or cattle, which produces a powerful buzzing sound, after cleaned of tissue and loosing its teeth. which act as a rattle, and the Marimbol o marimba. When sang, it is sang by a lolo and a group of singers, or by a group of singers. The Son Jarocho is also danced, and as a dance, its steps are similar to the steps from the dances of the Spanish Gypsies' Flamenco, which uses very fast tapping of feet on the floor and taconeo (the fast sound produced by the shoe heels marking the music beats on the floor). Because of it, to dance the "Son Jarocho" requires energy in the part of its dancers and fast feet. On the part of the musicians, rhythm, and on the part of the singers, fast vocalization. The Son Jarocho is now popular in different states, of the United States, like in Los Angeles, and San Francisco and counties, where the Mexican-American children are now learning to play its instruments, sing the songs and its dancing steps in Music Academies, as a way to connect with their heritage. Los Cenzontles - La Bamba
For those interested on learning more about the subject, on August 9th LOS CENZONTLES put on the market their new documentary "El Son Jarocho" Also for those who would like to see "La Bamba" performed by a group of dancers from their Academy, you could enter the LINK (indicated on top of the paragraph and if you are interested in the Academy's activities We will end this article by informing our readership that in a recent press communique Los Cenzontles requested Cultural World Bilingual to inform our readers that they had unveiled a brand new bilingual website, where by clicking a button they may read all their articles translated to Spanish. The Link is : https://www.loscenzontles.com/ |